What to Do in Edinburgh for Christmas 2021

Edinburgh’s Christmas was cancelled last year for reasons we are all too familiar with, but it is back with a vengeance this year! In this blog post, we give you the information you need to know about this year’s Edinburgh’s Christmas along with additional Christmas events that you can consider attending!

This blog post accompanies our YouTube video on Edinburgh’s Christmas! Be sure to check that out as well.

Edinburgh's Christmas

This year, Edinburgh’s Christmas runs from 20 November 2021 to 04 January 2022, and features a market, rides, and more in three locations: East Princes Street Gardens, George Street, and West Princes Street Gardens.

The locations are free to enter and generally open daily from 10.00 - 22.00, though there are exceptions on some dates. Be sure to check out their website for up-to-date dates and times as well as ticket prices for rides and attractions. If your postcode starts with EH, you are entitled to a 20% discount.

This year, they are also offering a Contactless ‘tap and ride’ scheme so you no longer have to purchase tickets from the ticket office. Instead, you can purchase tickets at each ride or attraction if you have not already pre-booked online.

East Princes Street Gardens

The traditional Christmas Market takes place in its usual place in East Princes Street Gardens. Wander through and check out the stalls that sell everything from candle holders to baubles to fake snow, and indulge in the many food stalls available.

part of ferris wheel with 'Edinburgh's Christmas' sign

Over the years, many have complained about all the stalls selling the same things and taking away from local businesses. During our walk-through this year, we felt like there was a wider variety of stalls selling different items, which was perhaps a tiny bit refreshing.

There are also many rides available in this area, including the Forth 1 Big Wheel (from £7.50).

George Street

The ice rink has moved around to various locations over the years, and this year, Ice Skating - Lidl on Ice (from £6.00) has relocated to George Street, between Castle Street and Charlotte Square, and is sponsored by the grocery shop Lidl. You can also purchase mulled wine and mince pies (among other items, of course) from several stalls along the street.

ice rink with blurred people

West Princes Street Gardens

Having previously been located in the lower level of East Princes Street Gardens, Santa Land is now situated in the lower level of West Princes Street Gardens. Santa Land is catered towards families and features Santa’s Grotto (from £8.50), Bumper Cars (from £6.50), Christmas Tree Maze (from £4.50), and Waltzers (from £5.00).

Light Night Installation

Every year, a Christmas tree is donated to Edinburgh from Norway, and the tree sits on the Mound, a steep section just south of Princes Street Gardens. This year, Edinburgh’s Christmas worked with Hannah Ayre, an Edinburgh-based artist, to make an art installation with geometric snowflakes around the Christmas tree.

Additional Christmas Events

In addition to Edinburgh’s Christmas, there are other things happening in the city! Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but a few that we thought we would point out!

We hope this gave you some ideas on things you can do in Edinburgh this Christmas! What is your favourite part about Edinburgh’s Christmas? Let us know in the comments!

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